- This heater uses catalytic combustion technology.
- It has a higher heat conversion capacity.
- Under the same air consumption, it releases more heat and produces less waste gas.
Livestocks at affordable Price
Maintaining high standards of animal health, welfare and hygiene on the farm is essential for establishing consumer confidence and helping to limit the risk of passing desease to both humans and animals.
SM&K Corporation assures high standard quality of livestock.
The fact that humans eat and use animal products is the main reason most livestock animals are alive in the first place, even though in certain cases the process theoretically ends their lives as well. If you believe animals like cows, pigs, chickens, or sheep deserve a chance at life, you must believe in the use of animals for humans, because without us, 95% of these animals would never be born in the first place. Farmers help bring these animals into this world and give their lives meaning and purpose as they leave it (food and products). The only question that remains is whether or not the quality of life for these animals is worth them being born in the first place, which will be addressed in the subsequent “animal welfare” blogs found on the home page of our blog.
If you’ve decided to start a small farm business raising chickens for meat, you’re probably wondering where to begin. Sure, get some chicks, raise them to slaughtering size, process them or get them processed, and sell them, right? Sounds easy. But organizing your chicken broiler business takes some work. Follow these steps and you’ll be off and running – and making money selling delicious, fresh pastured chicken – very soon.
and Poultry
Livestock are domesticated animals raised in an agricultural setting to produce commodities such as food, fiber, and labor. The term is often used to refer solely to those raised for food, and sometimes only farmed ruminants, such as cattle and goats. In recent years, some organizations have also raised livestock to promote the survival of rare breeds. The breeding, maintenance, and slaughter of these animals, known as animal husbandry, is a component of modern agriculture that has been practiced in many cultures since humanity’s transition to farming from hunter-gatherer lifestyles.